Corvette Powerslide Utterly Fails

Corvette Powerslide Utterly Fails

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If there is one thing I’ve learned as an auto journalist, 90% of the population wouldn’t know what to do or how to handle anything over 300 horsepower, and that includes many of my peers. And me sometimes. However, we like to confine our ridiculous bursts of speed to tracks, and or closed down sections of road. Why, because we don’t want to end up on someone’s cell phone looking like a complete and utter tool, as this next video will demonstrate.

The video below was taken at a Cars and Coffee event in Dallas just last weekend. It shows a C5 Corvette driver leaving the event and trying to do a powerslide. Yet, as soon as he tries to initiate the slide, things go downhill very quickly.

It appears that the steering snaps back really quickly, most likely because he got off the power too soon, and then the car violently snaps back and snaps forward until he’s facing the wrong way of traffic and looking head on at a curb. He hits the curb so violently that the airbags deploy and his sunglasses go flying outside the car.

People, if you can’t handle the power, don’t pretend to, you’ll just get hurt.

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