Say Hello to the LS3-Powered Sector 111 Drakan Spyder

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Sector 111 isn’t widely known, yet. In the past, the company has only been an importer of lightweight, exotic cars. Cars like the Ariel Atom, the BAC Mono, and Lotus. Now however, with so many regulations stifling creativity and innovation within the automotive world, the company has gone out and done the impossible. Build a world class supercar.

The Sector 111 Drakan Spyder  is the first in house built car from the company. It features a Palatov racecar chassis, a composite body, and a 450 horsepower LS3 E-Rod motor from Chevy’s parts catalog. In total, the entire car soaking wet weighs only 2,000 lbs. That means it’s fast, and we mean extremely fast.

A few months ago, I was able to drive the Drakan Spyder, and it left me wanting much more. It stuck to the pavement like glue, had an exhaust note that would wake the gods, and a sublime manual transmission that begged to be beaten on. It’s what a Corvette would feel like without the entirety of its body. It’s amazing.

Recently, the Drakan Spyder stopped by Jay Leno’s Garage to have Leno try it out. Here are his thoughts.

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