My Corvette is Watching You

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Have you ever wondered if your valet pulled a full Ferris Bueller’s Day Off on you when you drop them your keys? I know I have, and I think anyone with a cool car has also wondered if the valets were just sitting in a parking lot ripping the tires to shreds or jumping your dad’s priceless Ferrari when you should be at school.

Well fear no more, there is a new system that allows you to put your car in valet mode and let you monitor if your prized possession is hitting ramps and pretending it’s a rally car, at least on the new ‘Vette that is.


It was announced that GM would be putting out a “valet mode” that coupled with the cars electronics and onboard Performance Data Recorder which is just a fancy way of saying built in GoPro, lets the owner know if their car was safe in the valet’s hands.

Here’s how it works. You hand your keys over to some ruffian that doesn’t look like he could spell Corvette, let alone old enough to drive one. The owner punches in a quit code into the cars computer and the system is activated.

After you’re done with your meal, you get your keys back from the valets grubby hands, pull over and punch in your code to view what happened during the valet’s “test drive.” Hopefully they didn’t use the car for drag racing or their own version of Tokyo Drift in the parking lots, but if they did, then you have the evidence to go back and confront them with the footage.


The system also cuts the radio, and cars infotainment system to help better protect the car as well. There are really two sides of this, the car’s owner who is doing the responsible thing and protecting their car, and the valet who is now liable to keep the car in pristine order.

However, one major perk of being a valet is taking some persons awesome car, that’s likely never driven how it’s supposed to be and blasting the hell out of it! So the hoon part of me is having trouble with the responsible adult side.

What do you all think? Invasion of hoonacy or keeper of the chastity belt? Honk your horn in the forum.>>

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