June Offically Dubbed ‘Left Lane Awareness Month’

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Few things in life are as maddening as getting stuck behind a slow driver in the fast lane! Seriously, they merge onto the highway, make their way allllll the way over to the fast lane and sit there at 55 mph, oblivious to everyone else in this world. Maybe they’re so checked-out that they don’t even realize what they’re doing (which means they shouldn’t be driving anyways) or maybe they’re doing it on purpose to show the rest of the world “the rules of the road?” Regardless, it’s one of the most annoying things on the planet.

But here’s the real kicker: The second most annoying thing in my book is passing on the right–in most cases, it’s illegal. But when someone is sitting in the fast lane, clogging up traffic, I have no choice but to commit the cardinal sin of passing on the right…which only angers me more! Thankfully departments are starting to take notice of the errant left lane campers and will soon be enforcing it.

Do you agree with this or do you appose it? As for me, well, you can guess where I stand. Pull’em over! Slower traffic keep right!

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