Pontiac Trans Am Spins Smooth Ds!

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Pontiac Trans Am Donuts

A lot of times we’ll feature videos of what could technically be called “sloppy” donuts. They just aren’t clean or well done in any way, but they’re fun and smoke filled to watch.

As long as they end up spinning is circles — well, ovals are close enough — then who really cares if they are well done? Even so, sometimes it is refreshing to see a video of a driver who really knows what they are doing.

This video shows a fourth generation Trans Am spinning some very clean and smooth donuts. The engine is purring, the driver is neat, and the passenger is excited.

Sometimes it’s easy to underestimate the art of donuts, but this video really puts into perspective what they really ought to look like.

Yet we’ll admit that this clip could definitely use more tire smoke, but that’s not always the best idea when one is on a budget!

Check out the video below and smile at the sight of perfectly executed donuts to the sound of a very happy motor!

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