Twin Turbo Camaro Hits the Wall, Driver Airlifted Out

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Most of the time we bring you positive stories that we feature. It’s just always great to put a smile on someone’s face, right? Still, not everything is sunshine and rainbows, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t worth noting.

Early in May a twin turbo hit the drag strip, ready to eat some more Mustangs before the start of the next week. Unfortunately, something went wrong and the yellow beast was thrown into the concrete barrier not once, but twice, before slowly rolling to a stop.

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As one might assume, it is a bad sign when a car keeps rolling and the driver does not apply to brakes. It essentially means that the driver is either unconscious or worse. Thankfully this driver was unconscious rather than the “worse” option, though that doesn’t mean he escaped unscathed.

In fact, he had to be airlifted out after the wreck. Even so, most people seem to be positive about his recovery. The driver, named Dirk Miller, is in stable condition though is still having a hard time remembering many things. We truly hope that he’ll make a full recovery from the episode.

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Honestly, he did nothing wrong for the crash to occur. It just happened. Sure — looking back he might have done something different, but no one can predict the future. Still, we feel bad for him and his car in the terrible episode.

Keep him in your thoughts and prayers for now, for sure. The episode was clearly pretty shocking and even cringe-worthy to many, as it really ought to be. Watch the video below to see what happened, and be thankful that so many safety measures are at place!

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