Flashback Friday: Camaro Goes Swimming Thanks to Reckless NFL Rookie

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NFL Rookie Crashes Chevrolet Camaro 2

You won’t find any catfish jokes here, this fifth-gen Camaro makes the ultimate sacrifice in the name of ‘liquid courage.’

It was a sunny Friday afternoon in Put-In-Bay, Ohio when one young athlete’s dreams started to crumble. Jermiah Lamont Braswell got behind the wheel of his Camaro after having a couple of drinks and ended up stuffing the muscle car right into the shallows of Lake Erie. When police found him, he was still trying to drive the car despite the fact it was beached on a boulder and sitting in several inches of water. Braswell failed multiple field sobriety tests and blew over the legal limit on a breathalyzer. According to WTVG News, he is being charged with an OVI, Operating a Vehicle while Intoxicated.

Thankfully, nobody was injured in the accident. A crash of this type on a Friday afternoon in the middle of summer could have been disastrous. Lockdowns due to the Covid-19 pandemic are likely the main reason this story didn’t start with a mention of fatalities.

NFL Rookie Crashes Chevrolet Camaro 2

We do need to stop and give a bit of credit to Chevrolet. This Camaro was thrown off an embankment and into a lake. It hit hard enough to blow the airbags. But still, Police say Braswell was trying to drive away which means the car was still running. If anyone says the Camaro is poorly built, ask them about the last time they saw a Mustang take a dive in a lake and keep on kicking.

NFL Rookie Crashes Chevrolet Camaro 2

The biggest loser in this entire scenario is, of course, Braswell himself. Braswell was a star talent at wide receiver for Youngstown State. In his college career he managed 51 catches and nearly 1000 total yards, while also scoring 11 touchdowns. All this despite being in a team focused heavy on the running game. While Braswell didn’t get picked up in the draft, he was added to the roster of the Arizona Cardinals. Now however, it appears his NFL career has stopped before it even got started. Following the incident, the Arizona Cardinals have cut Braswell from the team.

If you have any young talented kids among your circle of family and friends, use this as a learning experience for them. Even for someone preparing to leap into the spotlight of the NFL can have all their hopes and dreams come crashing down thanks to one extremely poor decision. Just as money can’t buy happiness, talent can’t buy good sense.

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Christian Moe has been a professional automotive journalist for over seven years and has reviewed and written about Lexus luxury cars, Corvettes and more for some of the top publications in the world, including Road & Track. Currently, he contributes to many of Internet Brands' Auto Group blogs, including Corvette Forum, Club Lexus and Rennlist.

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