’93 Camaro With One of a Kind Body Kit

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'93 Camaro With One of a Kind Body Kit
Well. You gotta start somewhere, right? I’d like to think that in the future the Noriega Brothers will look back on these early designs and laugh as they’ve gone on to build a successful botique car business. Maybe one day they’ll end up being the next famous coach builder. Unfortunately, today is not that day. Not by a long shot.

Underneath all this angular sheet metal is 1993 Camaro with an automatic V6. Really, that’s not so important as what they’ve done the exterior. What was at one point a sleek coupe has been turned into something far more angular and… Well, ugly. Like. Really bad. It’s like those drawings of fantasy cars that you might see in the margins of a 5th graders homework. I mean, I can sorta see what they’re going for. It has a psuedo-80s futuristic vibe to it. I guess.

I’m not going to knock them for trying to make something unique. That requires guts. Even if the end result is an abomination. I do take issue with calling this a “Real Drag Racing Machine.” A 150,000 mile automatic V6 isn’t a drag racing machine. Also, the fact that the current bid on ebay is $15,000 is bewildering. Also, the name “Intercceptor” makes me want to pelt the thing with dictionaries.

Aside from the fact that I hate the way it looks, the car is put together well. Technically, anyway. There are no horrible gaps. All of the requisite lights work. No obvious rivets or seams. In that respect, it isn’t bad. Maybe someday their taste will catch up to their technical talent.

via [Jalopnik]

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