Automotive Computer Accessories: Show Us Your Cool Gadgets!

Automotive Computer Accessories: Show Us Your Cool Gadgets!

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Z06MouseLets be honest, when it comes to toys and trinkets around the house, Gearheads are as bad as any sports fanatic or techno geek. I’ll be the first to admit that I too, am a sucker for car toys and accessories. Which is why the minute Road Mice released the C6 Z06 wireless mouses some years ago I had one on order. Call me a nerd, but sometimes just a glance down at the mini Z06 sitting on my desk is enough to lighten even the darkest of work-influenced moods.
So how about you, have any cool automotive computer accessories like a unique mouse, cool speakers, a Recaro desk chair or maybe a desk made from old car parts? Lets see them! While I’d love to have an office packed full of vintage automotive memorabilia, for now my C6 Z06 mouse will have to do.
For those unfamiliar with Road Mice, have a look at their different models. I can attest to their performance and durability, as I’ve used mine nearly every day for almost two years without a hitch. The 5th Gen. Camaro ones are pretty cool, too.

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