More Details Emerge on the New, Smaller Camaro

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NEWS PEOPLE, NEWS! I’ve got your red hot piping rumors and news on the next generation Camaro platform.

According to Camaro6 forums, one of their members just happened to spend the last few days with a couple of GM’s Camaro engineers and the new prototype. His words would be much better than mine, so here they are.

By sheer stroke of luck it so happened I spent time over the past three days literally feet away from where the new Camaro was being R&D’d and test driven by a team of GM engineers and techs. Out of respect I won’t divulge specifics (they were stuck with me being there, so could not “hide”). I’m a mighty happy Z/28 owner and I was able to spend some time chatting with the GM guys. An amazing experience and opportunity for me! I’ll offer some bullet points from my experience, all of which were gleaned via observation or deduction, obviously the guys would disclose NO details about the car.

* They are veterans of previous Camaro developments.
* “Car guys” through and through, no doubt.
* The new car even with the camo has lovely lines. It is going to be stunningly good looking. Just like current gen, there is not a bad angle on the car.
* I’d guess it is roughly 10-15% smaller in overall size than current gen.
* One could extrapolate from that it’ll be lighter (10-15%?) than current gen.
* The car I saw was a NA V8 (based on the sound).
* At least one version will have MR shocks.
* They are a hard working bunch! At it very early and working very late every day. Paychecks are well-earned!

There was a current gen Z/28 “x”-VIN mule being used as part of this testing. So car guys and technical types could read something into that if they wanted to. Funny aside- the poor Z/28 looked absolutely abused beyond belief. One exit on each side of the dual exhaust was burned pure ash white, the exit adjacent to it was black and thick with carbon. I though that was pretty wild. That car was going to the crusher after the testing. Wild.

Oh yeah, last thing, a comment was made that the 6th gen was anticipated to “destroy” a 350r Mustang. So sit back and enjoy the journey to the release date with confidence and anticipation

That’s all I know, there are no pictures or other details.”


First off, “anticipated to destroy the GT350R,” is that a new Z/28? Is it the base model SS? What is better than the GT350R? WE MUST KNOW!

Second, 10-15% smaller on the already lighter Alpha platform sounds glorious. And lastly, the GM engineers are using a Z/28 as a mule? What kind of engine are they testing with it?

Is it time for the New York Auto Show yet?

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

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