Watch the All-New 6th Generation Camaro Crash into a Wall

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In the automotive journalism world, we all are fairly chummy with one another. We all pretty much get along, and love to see what each other are doing.

Yesterday, a friend of ours, Mr. Patrick George of Jalopnik fame, was getting the chance to drive the all new 6th Generation Camaro around the Belle Isle Grand Prix Circuit for the car’s launch.

According to Patrick, things with GM were a bit icy due to the fact that Jalopnik published a leaked document about the new car a few days in advance of the unveiling. However, everyone does it, and it just hypes people up more and more so it’s usually a small situation.


Well, Patrick had a bit of a mishap while driving the new Camaro, and things with GM aren’t exactly great at the moment. I’ll let the video explain what happened.

Yeah, Patrick stuffed the new Camaro into a wall. And that’s not where the story ends. You see, GM didn’t like the leak, and with the crash, didn’t exactly like Patrick anymore, so they kicked him out of the event. Just goes to show you, don’t piss off GM.

P.S. We’re glad Patrick left unscathed, even though he may have a damaged ego.

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