Natural Gas LS3 to Potentially Race in American Le Mans Series

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Natural Gas LS3 to Potentially Race in American Le Mans Series

 American Le Mans Series/Grand-Am Racing is poised to lead the charge in Green Technology in the racing world. Already a sponsor of hybrid-powered prototypes and alternate fuels, the organization partnered Patrick Racing in June 2012 to develop a natural gas-powered prototype for the Series’ Prototype Challenge Cars in 2013.

Team owner U.E. “Pat” Patrick’s Oreca FLMO9 will be powered by a Liquid Natural Gas (LGN) powered Chevy LS3 V8 6.2-liter engine which produces 430 bhp. Patrick has long been an advocate for alternative fuels, making the partnership with the International Motor Sports Association (IMIS) and  American Le Mans Series Prototype Challenge a good fit. The LS3 engine is the standard for the Prototype Challenge class.

For IMSA and ALMS, the use of natural gas helps the organizations position themselves at the head of Green Racing on the international stage. It fosters a commitment to “continuing our mission to be on the front line of automotive technology advancement while providing unequalled entertainment for our fans,” according to Scott Elkins, COO of both IMSA and ALMS.

Patrick Racing has seen three victories at the Indy 500, and multiple wins at IndyCar championships, so running the sports cars at ALMS is right up their alley. If the LNG car does race this year, it could be a beacon to consumers to consider the development of that fuel for their daily drivers, which is part of what Patrick Racing and ALMS is hoping for.

Natural Gas LS3 to Potentially Race in American Le Mans Series

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Andreanna Ditton is the Editorial Director for the Internet Auto Communities and Auto Classifieds groups. She has worked as an editor, managing editor and moto-journalist for more than a decade, specifically focused on the enthusiast race and performance communities, and has a passion for Ford Broncos, Shelby Cobras and tiny British sportscars that she's far too tall for.

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