What Car Would You Take Into the Apocalypse?

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What Car Would You Take Into the Apocalypse?

End of the world chatter surrounds us, more pervasive than the normal zombie speculation that’s so rife right now, and while Motor Trend and other sites are asking you which cars you’d like to drive before the world ends, we know that LS lovers are more prepared than that. They’re the folks who will be around after the world ends, ready with tools and generators to put an LSX into whatever broke-down Toyota they find burned out on the side of the road.

But there’s been a plethora of cars that have proven to be (fictionally) apocalypse-worthy, so what cars do you want to take with you to that event?

I'm driving the following to the apocalypse, even if it's not a GM car...

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Andreanna Ditton is the Editorial Director for the Internet Auto Communities and Auto Classifieds groups. She has worked as an editor, managing editor and moto-journalist for more than a decade, specifically focused on the enthusiast race and performance communities, and has a passion for Ford Broncos, Shelby Cobras and tiny British sportscars that she's far too tall for.

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