vaccum leak check
an easy way to check for vacuum leaks is to take a can of carb cleaner, or anything else that will burn, and spray a bit on the area you think is leaking while the engine is running. if its leaking the rpms will rise, if not you now have one spot eliminated. be careful near the exhaust of course. sounds questionable but works pretty darn good
Originally Posted by 1BadAsZ
what is the best or just one in general for checking for a vaccum leak? ideas please..
Originally Posted by DynoDR
Use a Smoke Machine. Quick, safe and you do it with the vehicle not running.
I like it also because it is very easy to find the little leaks like intake gaskets that only leak when cold.
I like it also because it is very easy to find the little leaks like intake gaskets that only leak when cold.
A "Smoke" Machine is normally used for finding evap leaks but it can be used of other purposes. It takes oil that is stored in the machine and dumps it on a hot motor to create smoke the smoke is then released through a line routed to what ever your checking, it harmless and can help fine pinhole leaks that wouldn't be visible.