Another C8 Corvette Meets Grizzly End on Service Lift

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C8 Falls off lift

Calling all C8 Corvette owners–make sure your shop knows how to lift one of these before you take it in for service.

Let us say this slow for the people in the back. The C8 Corvette has the engine in the middle of the car. The weight distribution and lift points are not the same as previous Corvettes. We all know that, but apparently some supposed service experts do not. A new forum thread on our sister site, Corvette Forum shows a destroyed C8 that fell off a two-post lift. Forum member Vman21C88 shows a lovely Rapid Blue C8 Corvette Stingray nearly broken in half after it came crashing down. Obviously, we hope that no one was hurt, but this is a lousy way to lose a precious C8 Corvette.

The amazing thing is that this is not the first time this has happened. Last June our friends at Corvette Forum posted an eerily similar story. That time it was a Torch Red C8 that met its demise at the hands of a careless lift operator. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has not crash tested the C8 yet. However, we are pretty sure surviving a drop from a lift is not part of the criteria. The damage suffered by the blue Vette looks to be identical to the red one from last year. So, everyone can stop doing this now, we all know what is going to happen.

C8 fall

The forum thread does not contain much detail as to the shop where this occurred or the owner of the car. So, at this time we can’t be sure if this was at a Chevrolet dealer or an independent shop. Although anyplace that works on cars for a living should really know how to operate a 2-post lift. This poor C8 died an early death and it didn’t need to. We can’t imagine being the shop owner and having to make that phone call.

Hopefully, this shop does everything they can to make the owner whole again. The problem is that the C8 is not an easy car to come by. Even if the shop agrees to buy the owner another Corvette, it could be several months or more before it arrives.

Rapid Blue C8

Losing use of the Corvette for many months is bad enough. However, what if the owner paid above MSRP to get the car in the first place? Will the shop make good on that money as well? This is a crappy situation for all involved. Hopefully, the owner of the C8 is taken care of. We also hope the shop spends some more time training folks how to work on these cars. We take our cars to the professionals because we expect expert service.

We don’t expect to come back to a totaled car. They say that bad things come in threes. But we can only hope that we don’t see another C8 falling off a lift anytime soon. Two of those occurrences are plenty.

Images: Corvette Forum User Vman21C8;

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Joe has been obsessed with cars since he got his very first Matchbox toy in the 1970s. In 2003, he found a new obsession in track days that led to obtaining his SCCA competition license in 2015. In 2019, he became a certified driving instructor for the National Auto Sport Association. His love for all things four wheels has never wavered, whether it's driving some of the best cars in the world on the racetrack, tackling 2,000-mile road trips in 2-seat sports cars or being winched off the side of a mountaintop in a Jeep. Writing for the suite of Internet Brands Auto Communities sites, including, Ford Truck Enthusiasts, 6 Speed and more allows him to share that knowledge and passion with others.

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