Dad Makes Snow Donuts in 2010 Camaro

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Doing things with the kids can either be a massive downer or a ton of fun, depending on what you do and how cool your kids are. Most dads will take their kids to have fun from time to time, whether that means going to see a movie, explore the zoo, or browse through a museum.

Every child enjoys different things. What they enjoy depends a lot of their own personality and how they are raised. Apparently, this father has raised his kids to be avid car lovers, since rather than taking them to the zoo or a museum he has decided to take them out for donuts in his 2010 Camaro — and we don’t mean the kind you eat!

This guy was pretty smart, too, considering he brought a remote control helicopter with him so he could get an aerial view of the countless donuts he spins. The elegant music doesn’t hurt, either. The kid seem to be having a blast, too. No one can blame them for that — after all, who doesn’t love some good donuts in the snow?

Though we don’t really recommend taking your kids out for Sunday donuts, we have to admit that this seems like it was pretty exciting. Take a look at the video below and enjoy watching this guy become the world’s best dad!

Make some donuts in the forum.>>

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