Ken Block Doesn’t Have Anything on Ken Box

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Kenneth Blockinghamstein has made it his duty to turn as many tires as he can into as much smoke as he can. That’s led many people attempting to imitate the drift master.

However, unlike Block, most of these people don’t have access to closed down motorways, 850 horsepower Hoonicorns, and lots and lots of money. That means those intrepid few imitators tend to get in trouble with the law.

There is however one man that has taken up the challenge, and made a video that’s just as good as the master Hoonigan himself makes. His name… Ken Box.

His weapon of choice isn’t some 650 horsepower Formula D, or Rally car, but rather a Razor Crazy Cart with a card board box around it.

The last time we saw Ken Box, he drifted the heck out of a warehouse. Now to outdo himself and Block, he’s taken the show on the road and hit up a local shipping dock.

It’s great, and possibly better than the real Gymkhana videos just because of sheer hilarity.

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