LS-swapped Bobcat Skid Steer Loader Proves You Can ‘LS’ Anything

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LS Swapped Bobcat Skid Steer Loader

There’s really no valid reason to stuff an LS into a Bobcat, other than to help validate an ages-old theory.

We often like to say that you can LS swap anything and make it better. This theory has proven true for many years now. And we’ve seen everything from boats to USPS delivery trucks benefit from an infusion of LS. But one thing we’ve never seen is a piece of construction equipment packing GM’s ever-versatile V8 engine. Until now. Because Australian outfits Pinnacle Road & Race Works and Adrian’s Restorations have teamed up to transform this Bobcat skid steer loader into a “hot rod.”

We use the quotations on purpose, because the LS engine sitting in this Bobcat won’t make it any faster. You see, it merely powers the skid steer’s hydraulic pump. So you might ask, why would anyone bother to do something like this? Well, there is one obvious reason and two valid ones. Firstly, they’re doing it because they can. Secondly, Pinnacle notes that it’s actually cheaper than rebuilding the stock engine. Their other reason? It’ll sound awesome on the job site. Good enough for us.

LS Swapped Bobcat Skid Steer Loader

The project isn’t quite finished yet, but the crazy Aussies hope to have it up and running by Christmas. As of right now, the LS is mounted and connected to the hydraulic pump, with the exhaust tack welded into place. There are a few major obstacles to overcome before the job is finished.

Namely, figuring out how to keep the LS from blowing the stock pump internals into little bits. But Pinnacle claims to have a solution for that, so we’ll see.

LS Swapped Bobcat Skid Steer Loader

Some might call this Bobcat project a waste of time. But personally, we don’t see it that way. In fact, we think that it proves an important point. It was always a bit of a stretch to say that you could LS anything, after all. To this point, there are a few things that haven’t been swapped. Now, we’re one step closer to achieving that life-long goal. The only real surprising element of this story is the fact that it didn’t happen here in America!

UPDATE AUGUST 20, 2020: The project is on indefinite hold due to COVID-19.

Photos: Pinnacle Road & Race Works

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Brett Foote has been covering the automotive industry for over five years and is a longtime contributor to Internet Brands’ Auto Group sites, including Chevrolet Forum, Rennlist, and Ford Truck Enthusiasts, among other popular sites.

He has been an automotive enthusiast since the day he came into this world and rode home from the hospital in a first-gen Mustang, and he's been wrenching on them nearly as long.

In addition to his expertise writing about cars, trucks, motorcycles, and every other type of automobile, Brett had spent several years running parts for local auto dealerships.

You can follow along with his builds and various automotive shenanigans on Instagram: @bfoote.

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