Questionable Camaro Choices

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Questionable Camaro Choices

The temptation to treat your Camaro like an extension of your fantasy life is often a temptation that should be avoided at all costs – or embraced whole-heartedly depending on your perspective.

Take this Camaraco – a Camaro on a Bronco chassis.  Should your muscle car really be able to drive over tree trunks?

(The internet certain thinks so. This mod is legitimately ” A THING.”)

Questionable Camaro Choices

Or the Solid Gold Pimpdaddy mobile.

Questionable Camaro Choices

How about the 2000 HP capable ’69  version from Nelson racing pictured above? (This seems less like a bad idea, than the epitome of overkill, but there’s no denying it’s cool factor).

Camouflage is nice, but necessary? No one take a Camaro hunting, or into the battlefield. And if you do, please tell us about it.

Questionable Camaro Choices

And then there’s this:

What's the weirdest thing anyone's done to a Camaro?

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Andreanna Ditton is the Editorial Director for the Internet Auto Communities and Auto Classifieds groups. She has worked as an editor, managing editor and moto-journalist for more than a decade, specifically focused on the enthusiast race and performance communities, and has a passion for Ford Broncos, Shelby Cobras and tiny British sportscars that she's far too tall for.

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