Watch this Twin-Turbo C7 Burn Rubber At Sunset

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Watching this video is kind of like being back on the playground as a child (stay with me here). Or, it’s kind of like being the middle child, or as a participating athlete in any level of competitive sports.

To clarify my reference, it’s a moment we’ve all encountered. You’re doing whatever activity it is, from one of the life stations mentioned above, and as the saying goes, “there’s always someone better”.

Perhaps you’re living in the academic shadow of an older sibling, or you’re getting reamed on the court ball by that kid who (for some reason) reached 5’10” at the age of 12. You look at these naturally adept individuals and think to ourself, wow they make it look so easy.

That’s what this video is like. We know the C7 Stingray is a natural tire smoking monster, but throw another couple hundred horsepower at it in Hennessey HPE700 form and it’s like watching a naturally gifted athlete do what they do best.

Except in this case, we’re not talking about athletics per say, but raw, brutal, power.

Perhaps the better analogy would be playing 1-on-1 with a grizzly bear.Wearing a rocketpack.

I really love this video, especially at 00:04 where the tires just GLUED to the tarmac, turbos wailing, smoke spewing. It looks like the car might as well be strapped onto a dyno.

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